Mistake to avoid while testing blood:Same Finger All the Time

Mistake to avoid while testing blood:
Same Finger All the Time

People choose to use the same finger and the same spot in part because everyone has a favorite.
The goal is to use a different finger each day or each time. 
Switching fingers allows the pricked finger to heal and also helps to avoid pain caused by repeat jabs.
If your blood sugar readings are generally consistent, you can even try alternate site testing, such as using the palm of your hand, if you want to get away from your fingers periodically. 
But simply using different spots on the same finger can also prevent soreness.

Mistakes to avoid:
 Cleaning Fingers Incorrectly

mistakes people make are licking their fingers to get out a test strip and not cleaning their fingers at all. Whatever was in your mouth or whatever you just touched is now on your finger and likely to be picked up by the test

If you just was eating an orange, you'll test high —
 you are testing the orange, not your blood

blood from unwashed hands had a greater than 10 percent difference in blood sugar levels between the first drop and the second drop, and that error was amplified if participants' hands had recently touched fruit.

For the most accurate blood sugar testing, 

  1. wash hands with soap and warm water 
  2. and dry thoroughly right before testing.
Testing the fingertip where the nerves are located is a mistake most diabetics do,  The pad of your finger is the most sensitive spot, so testing there will hurt.
So use the following technique to have less pain
  1. Put your hands together with flat palms and fingertips pressed together. 
  2. Test along the edges that are now visible. 
Testing on the edges is going to be less painful
because you're not going to be touching things with them.
share to your friends to reduce their pain....
