Portion Food
Diabetic diet plan is require a delicate understanding of eating all maon ingredients like carb, protein ,fats but wisely. Portion size is one
way diabetics can help manage their blood sugar levels at snack and mealtimes. For lunch and dinner.
1-eat with a nine-inch plate.
2-Cover half the plate in
non-carbohydrate vegetables.
3-Use one-fourth of the plate for meat
4- and the
remaining fourth of the plate for carbohydrates.
For Protein : chicken, fish,
turkey, and beef, four to six ounces is an appropriate portion size. This is
approximately the size of a bar of soap or the palm of a hand.
One ounce of
cheese is recommended. This looks like two dice.
One whole piece of fruit, such
as an apple, orange, banana, or grapefruit is an appropriate serving size.
piece of bread or one-half cup of cooked whole wheat pasta, or quinoa is
typically a good portion size for these starchy foods.
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