Diabetics Should Have A Whole Orange Rather Than Orange Juice
No two juices are truly alike.
While juice made from the same manufacturer can be consistent, you can’t expect that orange juice made by one manufacturer is the same as one made by another.
What’s more, if you’re drinking your OJ fresh squeezed at home or made at a juice bar, it is likely to be quite different from the packaged kind. You just need to glance at the packaging to tell.
As you’ve already seen, the GI can vary greatly depending simply on the form you’re having your oranges in. So make conscious choices about which juice you drink and what nutrition you’re deriving from it to make the calories and carbs worth it.
If you have a choice, stick to eating the fruit rather than drinking the juice so you get the benefits of fiber intake from the whole fruit (otherwise lost during juicing).
It is this fiber that can keep your blood glucose levels from rising. This is why the whole fruit has a lower glycemic index and load than the juice. If you must have it as orange juice, have a small glass and top it up with ice, to cut the quantity you consume. Also, adjust carb and sugar intake from other meals that day to compensate.
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