Role of physical activity in gestational diabetes mellitus management:

Role of physical activity in gestational diabetes mellitus management:

Physical exercise: Physical exercise helps to reduce blood sugar and improves physical well-being.
Exercise can be done if there are no obstetric contraindications like:
• Low-lying placenta
• Impending pre-term
• Short cervix
• Septate uterus
• Excessive fluid in the amniotic cavity (polyhydramnios)
• Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH )
Types of exercise.
Especially recommended exercise for pregnant diabetic women includes:
• Walking, especially postprandial walking 10–15 meters after food (breakfast, lunch)
• Resistance exercise like ergometry
• Swimming
• Chair arm exercises:
- Neck exercise
- Stretching exercise
- Movement of all joints
- Shoulder exercise
- Feet exercise
Do’s and Don’ts while exercising:
 Wear loose fitting light cotton clothes during exercise
 Proper hydration with water is required during and after exercise
 Pregnant ladies on insulin to check CBG before exercise
 Women with GDM history and prediabetes
 Avoid tight-fitting clothing during exercise
 Don’t perform an exercise in the extremities of temperature i.e., very hot or very cold
 Avoid performing the exercise if one feels fatigued or exhaustion or lower abdominal discomfort
Diabetes Education Initiative by Parivartan Foundation!
