Why kidney stones formed?

Image result for kidney stones
kidney stone

1. Drinking less water and poor water quality are the easiest to cause stones.
Common kidney stones are associated with a prolonged lack of water.
Seventy percent of the human body is water, and its metabolism and detoxification require a lot of water.
Drinking too little water can increase blood concentration and kidney burden, and lead to urine concentration, which can cause stones.
Adults are advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
In some areas drinking water is hard water, crystal, calcium content is high, can make human body urine calcium heighten, form stone.

2.Eat too much protein.

For example, people who often eat too much meat and even eat meat as staple food.
After digestion and metabolism in the body, the protein will increase the acidity of urine, and the body will balance the ph of urine. It will release alkaline calcium, and calcium and uric acid will form stones in the urinary system.

Adults need 60 to 80 grams of protein per day. People who eat too much can eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce their meat intake.

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3.Eating too salty is risky.

High salt in the body from the eduction in urine, will increase calcium excretion, make higher urinary calcium, easy to combine with oxalate stone formation in urine when cooking can be substituted for cooking Fried, salt again when food out of the pot, high salt food eat pickles, less sauce.

4. Too much purine food.

Such as animal intestines, seafood etc.
The metabolite of purine is uric acid, uric acid is too high, may form uric acid stone.
It is best not to drink when consuming purine, and drink more water to increase purine metabolism and excretion.
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5.The oil and water are big in the diet.
Fat inhibits uric acid metabolism, resulting in increased uric acid concentration in the blood. When water intake is insufficient, it is easy to produce stones.
You need to drink more water to avoid stones.
