how diabetics can prevent infection ?

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How can people with diabetes prevent infection? 

Make sure your blood sugar levels are well controlled.
 This can be achieved by exercising regularly,
 making healthy food choices, 
and following your healthcare provider’s recommendations for routine blood glucose testing.

Take medicines exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Maintain good personal hygiene.
 Wash your hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom; after sneezing, blowing your nose, or coughing; before eating; when visiting someone who is sick; or whenever your hands are dirty.

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Never share your insulin pen. 
These are meant for only one person. Before your healthcare provider uses an insulin pen on you, ask if you are the first patient to use that particular pen.
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Get your flu vaccine each year and stay up to date on all vaccinations.

Wear good, soft, and covered footwear.
 Wear clean socks daily. People who have diabetes should examine their feet on a daily basis.

Seek early medical care if you are injured or ill.
